Always prepare for an allergy emergency. Please read the attached document.
Allergy Action Plan
Asthma Action Plan
Asthma symptoms can flare up during the school day. Please make sure your child has what he/she needs at school in case of an asthma flare up.
If your child has a diagnosis of asthma, I want to make sure your child s asthma needs are met at school.
Please assist with the following:
Meet with your child s physician to complete an Asthma Treatment Plan. You may use the attached Asthma Treatment Plan, or one provided by your child s physician.
If asthma is no longer a current health problem - Please complete the attached form.
Return the appropriate form to your child s school nurse. You are encouraged to talk with your child s school nurse before the school year begins and as needed - to explain your child s condition, medication, devices, and triggers.
Please properly label your child s medication and bring it to school at the start of the school year.
Prepare your child by discussing and rehearsing the medication plan, how to handle symptoms, triggers, food restrictions, and school policies.
Keep the school nurse up to date on any changes in your child s asthma.
Permission to self-administer inhaler must be documented on the Asthma Treatment Plan and signed by physician and parent/guardian. All sections of the Asthma Treatment Plan still need to be completed.
If you have any questions, please contact me at 717-957-1806 or [email protected]
Thank you!